About Us

My name is Samid

My fullname is Samid Bin Hamid

Many people call me Samid or Ari

My nick name is QHELSAM

First born in the land of the Tiger (Sabah)

Nine Friday August in the calendar AD

Parents never venture there

2 years back to Indonesia

Ever seeking knowledge on the muna island1990 - 2003

There have been many breathing air (which is said net) in Kendari since 2003

Can eating of work in Kendari Pos (KendariNews.com) since 2009

My skills focused on the IT when output Mathematics Science ^ _ ^

Once wrote there that need help! Contact me on here:

e-mail: samid.cancer@gmail.com

fb: samid.hamid@gmail.com or samidbinhamid@yahoo.com

tw: @qhelsam (person) @SultraKini, @KendariNews (not people)

g-plus: samid.hamid@gmail.com, samid.cancer@gmail.com

ym: samidbinhamid